The infinity scarf | Winter's best companion

The infinity scarf has been a staple closet favourite and for very good reason!

When it comes to Winter accessories, many find it difficult to style scarves, especially those bold patterned ones that just seem to scream attention! However, the infinity scarf has always had our back - it's simple yet able to add another dimension to your outfit!

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

If you live in extremely cool climates, you probably have three layers already on your body, so why add a fourth? By adding a scarf to your look, it draws your eye up, towards your face, and also adds a sense of dimension, instead of just flat layers against your body. 

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

The infinity scarf has been a tradition for decades, and has become a cheap accessory to bulk up on for the Winter months. Stocking up on an assortment of colours and patterns can easily create new outfit ideas, without the expenses of actually buying new clothes!

