Excuse makers don't commit

Catch yourself before you start to say excuses - cut the habit before it becomes one!

Excuses are hiding everywhere - they can spring up at any moment and many of us don't even realise that we're saying them! Success takes motivation and hard work, it doesn't come easy and proves difficult for most, but there's never a short cut. It takes long hours and a lot of effort to achieve your ultimate goal, whether that be the job of your dreams or finally making time to start a hobby. 

If you find yourself making excuses more times than not, you need to step back and rethink your choices. Excuse makers don't commit, and they tend to start off with the easiest of excuses. If you catch yourself saying these excuses, you need to break the habit before it becomes one!

Source: her campus 

Source: her campus 

1. I'm too old / I'm too young

No one will ever deny you of your dreams and aspirations purely because of your age. You can be 25 or 55, and still be able to work towards that job you've always wanted. Its never too late or too early to commit to a goal and stick with it!

2. I have plenty of time

This will always lead to procrastination and always relying on future you to work extra hard. There is always time for goals - if you can make time for watching TV, you can make time for important things!

3. I'll be happy when..

This type of excuse always puts the blame of not being happy with yourself now, with the idea that someone or something will automatically change that! Make sure you live in the moment and cherish the things that YOU can be happy about!