Time to get motivated | Stop Procrastinating

Say goodbye procrastination, hello motivation !

Whether it's late night movie marathons, or that newest episode has been released on Netflix, once procrastination has its claws in you it's hard to break free. 

With these simple steps, you can welcome a stress free life and a happier you, who's on top of all their work!

1. Make a To-Do list

Making a visual list, whether that be on your phone or written down, a list can help put all your thoughts and ideas down into one place. Place your first priority tasks at the top and your least important ones down the bottom. Remember to tick them off as you go!

2. Remove the distractions

Hide your phone, iPod and anything else that could potentially distract you from really focusing on the job at hand. This includes social media too! Turn your phone off to eliminate any alert tones from tempting you into taking just one peek!

3. Focus on the end goal

Keeping your mind focused on the end goal will help you think clearer and keep stress levels down. Whenever you feel like giving up or wanting to do something else, just make yourself look at your To-Do list and the resulting end goal!

4. Find a friend to help

Sometimes having some company can help get the creative thoughts pumping! If you and your bestie knuckle down and share ideas and the work load, time will fly and what seemed boring and hard will now seem easy and fun! (As long as you both don't distract each other)

5. Do one task at a time

Having too many tasks on the go at once can feel like a headache and cause unnecessary stress. Focusing on the end goal will help put everything into perspective and give you some breathing room. Knocking down one task at a time will give you a greater sense of achievement rather than having 3 unfinished tasks waiting around.